From Newsweek: Do Rural Prisons Benefit Locals?

•July 8, 2010 • 1 Comment

Is it fair to count an inmate as a resident of the town in which they are imprisoned?

In the most recent Newsweek, writer Ben Adler peels back the layered benefits to prisons in upstate New York via the lens of his own family: in 1983, a summer resort run by his great-grandparents was transformed into Sullivan Correctional Facility. As New York state’s prison population swelled from 13,000 in 1970 to over 70,000 today, housing inmates from NYC  became a lucrative business for otherwise destitute upstate towns.  “Ironically, the prisoners—mostly low-income men of color—bring two things they themselves lack: economic and political power,” writes Adler. That’s because during the Census, those tens of thousands of prisoners are counted in the rural places in which they are imprisoned rather than their homes, even though they cannot vote. The result is an skewed diversion of legislative clout to sparsely-populated, rural towns  — often called prison-based gerrymandering.

The northward flow of NY state inmates, as graphed in Newsweek

Now, the prison population is falling and communities such as Ogdensburg and Mineville fight tenaciously to keep their prisons open, New York assembly members have put together a bill to end a practice which The New York Times just called “a way of hijacking power from one part of the state to another.”

Last week,  Delaware became the second state (after Maryland) to pass a bill that adjusts Census data so that inmates are counted at their home addresses rather than the prisons in which they temporarily reside. No such legislation is yet proposed in New Hampshire, but when a federal prison opens there next year, nearly 17 percent of the population will be behind bars—roughly 2,000 men (1,200 in the federal, 760 or so in the state prison)  in a city of 10,000.

A sneak peek at Berlin’s prison

•July 4, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Local officials were given a tour of FCI-Berlin this week. Though the facility is almost finished, some of the funding hangs in the balance — Congress has been ornery about approving the proposed 2011 Justice Department budget, mostly because they don’t like the idea of using an Illinois prison (in Thomson) as a Guantanamo replacement. (However, the DOJ announced last week that they intend to purchase Thomson anyway.)

I’ve heard that some of the houses on Success Road, closest to the prison site, have begun selling to future FCI-Berlin employees, including one who is being transferred from Massachusetts. The lights haven’t bothered anyone yet and its unclear whether they’ve been turned on full throttle. The original commissioning schedule had prisoners arriving at FCI-Berlin this fall, but several papers in New Hampshire reported that date is more likely to be later next year.

“The Rainmakers” in Hardin, Montana move on to Arizona

•March 14, 2010 • 1 Comment

Why would a small town saddle itself with $27 million in bond issues to build a prison with no guarantee of bodies to fill it?  In this month’s In These Times, Montana freelance journalist Beau Hodai details the dubious ways  that a small private prison contractor—in this case Corplan Corrections, a Texas-based consortium of “construction companies, bond underwriters, consultants and small private prison operators,”— convinced this hard-on-its-luck town to build a prison to drag itself from the doldrums. Two-and-a-half years after completion, the 464-bed prison continues to gather dust, while the town has defaulted on its bonds. In the fall of 2009, city officials signed a contract with a private security force that promised to get the prison up and running; the American Police Force turned out to be all bluster and no bite, a shady concern with little financial power to help out tiny Hardin.

Hodai points out this is a gig that may be up for private prison companies. “…. with the prison population leveling out and more states facing budgetary crises, lawmakers have questioned the wisdom of stiff sentencing guidelines. Consequently, the private-prison industry has moved onto the greener pastures of immigration detention centers.”

Enter Benson, Arizona. Undaunted by the mess it left behind in Hardin, Corplan reps have been meeting privately with Benson officials to suggest the town build an immigration detention facility for women and children, tentatively called the “Family Residential Center of the Southwest.” Corplan and its subcontractors would be paid through bond issues, and the town would eventually see profits via the per-diem fees that the federal government would pay for each detainee. (This is a carbon copy of the sell in Hardin.)

This week, Benson residents attended the first public hearing on the proposal, as reported by Thelma Grimes in the San Pedro Valley News-Sun. Some residents have complained that the plan has taken shape without their input. Mayor Mark Fenn told them:

” I realize that the nature of the center is very controversial. Do we as a city put our foot down and say as Americans we don’t support this? At some time there could be up to 150 well-paying jobs. You have to balance all that. How much of our political opinion do we interject into city business? I will go on record saying I don’t completely endorse this facility. The company may have a checkered history and background and a lot of questions to answer on finances.”

He also said that if the facility isn’t built in Benson, “it will be built somewhere else where another city could reap the economic benefits.”  Possibly, at least according to Corplan’s president James Parkey. On the company’s website, he says plainly:  “Now, there are many more communities wanting detention centers than are available. But if your community qualifies, Corplan Corrections will make it possible for you. We may even be able to show you how your community can qualify.” You will qualify, almost guaranteed —to see why, check out Hodai’s piece.

A ‘Talent Team’ forms in New Hampshire

•March 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

The power of consonant expressions is that they are memorable, and hence more likely to fall into everyday usage. ‘Talent Team’ is one such couplet, implying as it does collaboration, chirpiness, and a drive toward success. The term entered northern New England parlance last week after a meeting at White Mountain Community College in Berlin, NH, where local officials met with BOP recruitment specialist Cathi Litcher (via videoconference) to discuss how to improve the chances that local applicants might land jobs at the soon-to-be-opened FCI-Berlin. Litcher told the group that, on average, only one-tenth of local applicants are eligible to work in a federal prison—mostly due to age restrictions, dints in their credit histories, or other personal issues, I’m guessing—but that a recent push to gather more local personnel for FCI-Macdowell (in West Virginia) “increased local eligibility to 65 percent.”  In this case, eligibility means mounting the first hurdle, but regardless, the peeps in Macdowell are hooking up with peeps in Berlin to help them get more local people ready to apply. The community college in Berlin plans to bring a trainer up  from West Virginia to guide applicants through the “complicated and convoluted process,” according Mark Belanger, who heads the employment office in Berlin. Those workshops will culminate with students submitting their application online. Belanger said he sees people checking out the bulletin board devoted to jobs at FCI-Berlin, “but this prison has been talk for so many years that people turn a deaf ear to it.” He tries to tell them that it is finally happening for real.

Asked if Berlin, like other parts of the country, is seeing the stirrings of economic recovery, he paused. “No, it’s awful.” He cited the trend of heavy industries hiring back workers once they start getting orders in. “But the North Country economy is different than the rest of the nation. Here, we don’t have companies that laid people off. They closed, they’re gone. What companies do we have to hire people back? None.” A stark glimpse into why prisons come to places like Berlin, and are even welcomed.

Prisons, schools, prisons, schools, prisons….

•March 4, 2010 • Leave a Comment

College students across California are protesting education cuts today, and coincidentally (or not) a billboard has appeared along LA’s Sunset Boulevard that starkly highlights the choices made by state legislators. It was designed by artist Martha Rosler and designer Josh Neufeld. (“California is #1 in prison spending, and #48 in education.”)

Private prisons: guaranteed income

•February 17, 2010 • Leave a Comment

“[The prison business is] “like a hotel where you lock in the guests, and if they try to escape you shoot them.” —hedge fund manager William Ackman in October 2009, telling a group of investors why they should buy stock in Corrections Corporation of America (“Jailhouse Shock,”  by Steve Schaefer, Forbes magazine, 10.21.09)

Last week, Corrections Corporation of America announced their 2009 financials, and the company seems to be navigating tough times with a certain degree of nimbleness: CCA’s revenue increased 4% since the prior year, to $427 million. For those who have never heard of them, CCA is the biggest manager of the private prisons nationwide, administering 65 prisons in 19 states,  76,000 inmates in all. Roughly 1 in 12 federal prisoners and are in private, for-profit prisons; yet despite growing inmate rolls, it hasn’t been all smooth sailing for CCA of late. The company has 85,000 beds all together, which means roughly 7,000 of those sit empty. In a business where you can earn almost $23 per day on an inmate, this is bad news for investors. Three lucrative contracts (worth $65 million) between the state of Arizona and CCA  expire this spring, meaning that thousands of prisoners  at CCA prisons in Oklahoma and Colorado would be called ‘home’.  After the loss of a contract with Washington state, CCA closed one of its prisons in Appleton, Minnesota; the company has also had to nix plans to build a new lock-up near Prescott, Arizona due to local opposition.

It’s part and parcel to the current slowdown, when several states are considering early releases and other measures to reduce their corrections budgets and save money. But since its founding in 1984 (after a  remarkable start in Houston in 1984, and a takeover of a Tennessee prison that same year) the company has grown by the proverbial leaps.  Ackman is probably right—these recent stumbling blocks are nothing but blips on the radar, because even in tough times, private prisons will continue to proliferate. Here’s why: state prisons at running at 110 percent of capacity, on average, and federal prisons at 137 percent. Guards at private prisons make less than their state/federal counterparts, and are thinner on the ground, so these prisons are cheaper to operate. And when you are in danger of running a deficit, as so many states are now, it’s cheaper to contract with a private company than try and build a new prison yourself. Case in point is again, Arizona: despite not renewing current CCA contracts, the state has proposed to privatize their entire prison system to save money.

The 25-year surge in private prisons, and the meteoric growth of the companies that build and manage them, provides perhaps the starkest example that housing inmates is about profits as much as—or more than—it is about deterrence. Despite the band of passionate people that travel throughout this country organizing against private prisons wherever they are proposed, and despite warnings that private prisons will die in this recession, the surreal business of housing inmates for revenue is not going anywhere soon.

Out of work? Justice is hiring

•February 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

As cash-challenged states such as California and Kansas cope with budget crunches (in part) by closing their prisons and jails, the Obama administration is taking the opposite tack— beefing up law enforcement and incarceration across the board. As part of a proposed $1.5 billion increase for the Justice Department in 2011, an additional $527.5 million would be allotted for the Bureau of Prisons, bringing their annual budget to $6.8 billion. Much of that increase ($170m) would go toward purchasing and renovating the Thomson Correctional Facility in Illinois, where Obama hopes to house Guantanamo prisoners after they are moved to US soil.  But here is math I don’t understand: while $59 million would be used to fill 1,200 currently vacant prison jobs,  a much larger chunk—$95 million—would be spent next year to hire only 652 new prison guards, to be split between Thomson and the new federal prison in Berlin, N.H. Special training perhaps?

Alternatives to incarceration—such as  home detention and substance abuse/mental illness treatment—are seeing renewed interest in states that realize how unwieldy and expensive their prison/jail systems have become. Not so on the federal level, where overcrowding and understaffing continue to plague prisons and attacks on  guards “are becoming more severe,” according to a spokeswoman for the BOP. John Gage, the president of the American Federation of Government Employees, calls the situation “dire” and went on the record as applauding plans for hundreds of new hires.

The nation’s prisons wouldn’t be the only new law enforcement on the the scene; the 5 percent Justice Department increase will also go toward hiring attorneys and analysts, as well as nearly 450 additional agents and marshals in the FBI, BATF, and US Marshals Service, for a total net increase of 2,800 employees. The Department is also predicting that the federal prison system will grow by 7,000 inmates in 2011, the equivalent of three or so new prisons.

All this might make you think  hey, crime rates must be on the rise. No — they are actually falling. According the FBI’s own statistics, both violent crimes and property crimes decreased during the first half of 2009, despite the recession.

“Disneyland ain’t comin’ here”

•January 22, 2010 • 2 Comments

New Hampshire’s Governor John Lynch gave his ‘State of the State’ address yesterday, singling out the North Country for a little bit of TLC. He called the almost-completed prison in Berlin one of two initiatives “to connect North Country workers with jobs”:

“In September 2010, a new federal prison will open in Berlin, employing an estimated 300 people. We will partner with White Mountain Community College to train individuals who want to work at the prison and to provide technical assistance to companies that have goods and services to sell to the prison. North Country businesses and workers deserve to reap the economic benefits of this new facility……

Let’s make sure that these new jobs go to North Country workers.”

Chances are, less than half will. Visiting a few prisons and prison towns last year, some of the BOP employees I met seemed extremely curious about working up in Berlin. The Bureau of Prisons is, from observation, an intensely rise-through-the-ranks organization. Unlike other federal agencies,  the head has never been appointed, and the current chief—Harley Lappin—started as a case manager at a low-security prison in Texarkana, Tx. 25 years ago. Working your way up through  inhospitable workplace conditions earns you a measure of respect among your colleagues. Just like the people they watch over, working in a federal prison “is no cakewalk,” as one told me.

How this translates for the unemployed of Berlin, Gorham, et al: in a nutshell, BOP personnel are hungry for jobs at new prisons, because helping a new prison get off the ground means increased career prestige, more pay, more cache. This project was touted for many years as a shot-in-the-arm for the depressed North Country economy, but it may not provide the salvation the city fathers have been hoping for. But maybe this was a decision born of desperation. As former Mayor Bob Danderson—the main person responsible for courting the BOP—told me, the prison was a “necessary evil” in a dying town.

“Prison was the only real option that was going to happen. Hey, I can dream with the best of ‘em…A lot of people, they wanted Disneyland. Well,  guess what, Disneyland ain’t coming here.”

A Lego prison, or considering concrete

•January 20, 2010 • 5 Comments

I’ve been thinking a lot about concrete this past week, partly due to the apocalyptic images of devastated Haiti. Concrete was relied on so heavily there due to the island’s constant battering of hurricanes; yes it’s strong, but when a concrete walls tumble, they’re lethal to the unfortunate souls inside. And difficult to move and shift unless you have heavy equipment, which the Haitians lacked until rescue crews started arriving days after the quake.

Last spring I considered concrete more intently while writing about FCI-Berlin, the federal prison being built in New Hampshire’s North Country. A prison is, for the most part, composed of hundreds of cells, and those cells are precast in concrete, thousands of cubic yards of the stuff. “Remember Legos? Those fun, multi-colored little bricks you built castles with? Now imagine stacking hundreds of 30-ton Lego bricks with a hydraulic crane. This is what precast construction for schools, dormitories, and most recently, correctional facilities is all about.” So writes Ann Coppola in a 2007 issue of Corrections Today.

As a prison rises, its cells arrive completely assembled, kitted out with a metal bed, toilet and sink, fluorescent lights, a non-glass mirror, and a sprinkler system. Each 6×8 space in Berlin has one oblong window cut vertically by a steel bar, a sometimes-maligned design that has been called ‘slit-window gun-tower’ style. These cells are painted pale yellow on the inside, the floors left a stony gray.

Precast concrete cells are built by only a handful of companies in the US, and Oldcastle Precast among the largest. Like many vendors to the prison industry, Pennsylvania-based Oldcastle is  reticent when it comes to talking publicly about their business: manufacturing behemoth, Lego-type cells intended for “rapid assembly.” Thousands of them. Right now, they are promoting a new product, a “Precast Cell with Balcony” that can be used in civilian and military prisons.

The use of precast concrete for cells was something of an innovation in the mid-1980s. Until that time, cells were built by masons, a lengthier and more expensive process. Just as harsher sentencing laws were causing an explosion of prisons, precast concrete made it cheaper and easier to put them up. “The most visible challenge facing modern prison construction is to make more room for incoming inmates – and fast,” begins one article in a concrete industry rag. Oldcastle became a main supplier to the prison industry, and is the primary vendor for FCI-Berlin. The cells were fabricated by mixing cement, water and maybe some fly ash and sand, then poured it into a mold so that it pools around a skeleton of wire rebar. It is then ‘cured’, or hardened, over the next few days.

It’s about 230 miles from Rehoboth, Massachusetts to Berlin, New Hampshire, a distance that probably seems much longer when you’re hauling a 7,200 pound block of concrete on your flatbed. Last fall, trucks sagging with cell blocks started rumbling their way up from Rehoboth, up route 16 and into Berlin, over the bridge connecting the main and eastern parts of the city, and then finally onto the prison site. They were so heavy that they are barely cleared the ground as they traveled down the road, and because the cells protruded two feet on either side of the bed, each was accompanied by a police escort with twirling lights.  “We’d see them starting at about 8:30 in the morning. And when you saw them, they’re so big, you needed to get out of the way,” said a woman who lived nearby. One clipped the antennas of several cars parked along the side of the road. Another fell off the back of the truck and had to be hauled back on. A state trooper escorting a few cells through Jefferson hit a father and son cycling along the shoulder of Route 115, sending both to the hospital.

After touring FCI Berlin one day, I had a beer at Fagins Pub, where many of the guys working on the prison would relax after work. There, I met many ‘creeters’, or those who pour concrete floors and foundations. One inparticular had been working on the prison site for about a year. When I asked him how many yards of concrete he reckons will go into the structure. “Oh! I dunno. It must be millions.”  (it’s actually about 250,000 yards). He was unwinding after a day spent pouring the last of the foundation for the main building. When that was done, his crew was to start shaping and flattening floors. “I hate floors. I hate having to stoop over that much.” He was six-foot-four, and using lasers to level the floors is painstaking work.
There were 40 or 50 creeters on the site, most of them from the North Country. The concrete for the floors came from Coleman Concrete down the road in Gorham. “You need to get concrete somewhere within an hour’s drive of where it’s made else it will harden before it gets to where it needs to go.” He takes out his wallet and shows me his card from ACI, the American Concrete Institute. “You want to know something else?”
“When does concrete reach its maximum strength?” Pride washes over his face, and he pauses for effect. “100 years!” He’s right, of course: concrete reaches about 90 percent of its strength three weeks after curing, and continues to strengthen over the ensuing decades. “It takes a hundred years for all of the moisture to evaporate out of poured concrete,” he adds. After that, concrete enters a slow decline.

Fagins Pub burned down a few weeks after that, one of seemingly dozens of buildings that have burned to the ground here in the past three years.  Up on the hill, the concrete floors were in place, and so were the cells. Last I drove by what used to be Fagins, some young men were shifting around the ruins. It was one of the only places to grab a drink in Berlin. I’m not sure where the creeters have moved on to.

The BOP on Twitter

•January 14, 2010 • 2 Comments

Recruiting personnel for new federal prisons is no easy task, even though ‘jobs’ is the seductive mantra to which depressed rural communities often succumb. The vetting process for potential COs is lengthy and grueling, and finding personnel who meet all of the criteria (including a clean credit history and relative youth) can be a challenge, according to Cathi Litcher, a BOP recruitment specialist. I met Cathi after she delivered a high-energy recruitment pitch in Berlin this summer. She was unfailingly open, telling me that the BOP likes to cull two-thirds of new staff from the local area, “but honestly, sometimes I have a hard time getting 60 percent.” A sizable portion of the crowd in Berlin walked out of the Junior High School auditorium when Cathi laid bare the truth:  they needed to be under the age of 37 to become a CO. The average age of Berlin’s unemployed mill workers is 56, after all, but somehow this discordant math was glossed over during the years when Berlin’s city government was courting the BOP.

But that’s water under the bridge. Last June, Cathi Litcher was just starting to use social media to bolster recruitment efforts.  Now you can follow BOPRecruiter on Twitter. Staffing FCI McDowell (in Weset Virginia) seems to be a focus right now. My guess is that FCi Berlin will follow in short order. At 558 relentlessly upbeat tweets and counting, here are a few gems:

“We are so hiring! The feds offer secure and stable career opportunities! Check it out

“I have a secret! The Warden for the new FCI in McDowell County, WV was selected on Friday! Pretty cool, uh? Stay tuned and I’ll spill!

“Still wondering if the position of Chaplain in the Bureau of Prisons might be for you? Take a minute thirty to find out!”

“We are such good neighbors to the community, Terre Haute wants to lobby for another facility! Sweet!

“Application hint: Read the duties of the position first. Don’t forget to include your experience that is the same.”

“That’s right! West Virginia and the Bureau of Prisons work as partners for the economic good of the state! Check it out!

“Project number of Correctional Officer hires in 2010 to 2012? 4,646 ! You bet we are hiring!